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All Reviews

H Stephen

Mar 20, 2020
After 7 days of use:
I used to always take an hour+ to go to sleep and then wake up 2-3 times a night, which in some part was noise in middle of London and the rest my brain being stupid. Well....Hush solved all of that. I take one a night and I am *out* until the alarm clock goes off, and I do mean fully out. Still getting used to so much sleep, leaving me a bit groggy for the first 10 mins of waking but then I'm full of beans!
By far the best product I have ever tried. HUGE fan!!
K Jens

Feb 11, 2020
Definitely a must have for me, especially during winter in Germany where endogenous vitamin D synthesis is almost non existent. Most people tend to be on the lower end and would benefit from vitamin D supplementation alone. I have also found that the curcumin as hydrocurc has been great for managing inflammation from workout. Aside from the data it seems superior to most of the other curcumin supplements I used.

Vtamin D is a bit on the high end per serving for me personally, but from what I know this seems to be the upper safe limit supported by research.
K Jens

Feb 11, 2020
Choline promoting supplements can be a great addition and I find this one to be particularly well balanced in terms of dosages and choline sources used. For me personally, I only use this one when my dietary choline intake is on the low end because, while most people benefit from supplementation, too much can trigger anxiety for me.

But It's exactly what it's supposed to be - an acetylcholine promoting supplement. Thats why: 5/5.
K Jens

Feb 11, 2020
This has quickly found its way into my daily regimen.

Rather than using standard mainstream ingredients as the core components, such as melatonin, this sleep supplement truly sets itself apart by introducing barely known ingredients properly combined together to take advantage of synergies. I have never found sleep and recovery promoting supplements to do much for me but this genuinely works. It won't force you to sleep but it makes it easier to fall asleep and I can definitely tell that I'm feeling more refreshed.

Although take this with a grain of salt because optimal sleep architecture isn't all that easy, but since using it my REM-sleep phases are way longer than usual. This has always been an issue with me...

It's worth a try. But you should definitely take it over a couple of days to really be able to tell if it's doing something for you.
K Jens

Feb 11, 2020
Neurodrive® 2.0
Hands down, this is an extremely well designed activating blend that gives long lasting stimulation without a crash - just like advertised. The Caffeine anhydrous is dosed high enough to give a quick energy burst complimented by the sustained caffeine activity via Guarana extract. Incorporating Teacrine, although making the blend a bit more expensive, rounds off the whole and truly makes it long-lasting due to its rather long half-life. Really enjoy this one, almost too often... although I definitely notice that I tend to not build tolerance to it as much as I do compared to when only consuming caffeine, also a big plus of theacrine.

Hopefully there will be another version of this one containing Methylliberine (Dynamine) too. I guess its just a matter of cost...
W Kevin

Jan 4, 2020
Neurodrive® 2.0
I chose a sample pack of 3 capsules (full dose) of this Neurodrive® 2.0 and I've just taken them. I left aside my usual TeaCrine + Zynamite + caffeine dose. Good job I did that, these bad boys are STRONG! I've been putting off doing a full grocery shop since Christmas. I'm about to get ready and on my way to the store ASAP!
One thing I feel I must add is that for me, 3 caps is just too much. I'd take 2 max, or maybe just one next time and go from there. So I recommend taking it steady at first with these. It will also depend on how much caffeine you are used to using on a daily basis. If you drink 3-4 cups of freshly ground coffees every morning before you leave for work then you will no doubt tolerate the full dose and the added Dynamine will give you an added edge!

If you are after some truly powerful get-up-and-go then these are what you want!
W Kevin

Jan 4, 2020
I forgot to mention the other great thing that happened. I suffer from severe Hypersomnia. An 18-hour sleep is a regular occurrence!
I recently had a sleep study done. My readings showed no sign of any drop in oxygen levels while I slept. So no Sleep Apnea. As a result, I was told it must be Neurological. Great!

As I've previously mentioned, last night I took a sample dose of HUSH™. I went to bed around 1:20 am. At just before 8 am this morning my eyes shot open. I rolled over and tried to close my eyes again. I couldn't!

Was it the HUSH™? I plan on finding out!
W Kevin

Jan 4, 2020
I'm completely shocked at what this great supplement can do!

I'm already taking 125mg TeaCrine® + 200mg Zynamite® + 100mg caffeine each morning. The TeaCrine® works, though I'd like to experiment with a higher dose. The Zynamite® is very unique though hard to explain. It's like caffeine but you can feel that it's not. I also fancied trying some Dynamine®. So, I ordered all 3.

These great guys and gals at Mind Nutrition allow you 2 samples for each order. So I chose Neurodrive® 2.0 & Hush™. I received a full dose of each.
My parcel arrived extremely fast, but not until after my 3 stim combo had already been necked. I opened the box and there was the Dynamine® in all it's glory!
I popped a capsule straight away. My day was extremely productive, but at around 6 pm I started to crash (I blame that on the caffeine, as well as too many stims at once).
No better time to try out Hush™.

Down they went on an empty stomach, and I waited patiently. And it didn't take long! It blunted the stimulant crash perfectly! In fact, the ingredients must have synced nicely together with what remaining stims were still ticking away. I became even more productive than earlier in the day!
The calm was like nothing I'd experienced, not even from a benzodiazepine!

I'm about to place an order for some. I feel its a necessity, especially if I'm going to continue taking the said stimulants! I will also try splitting the dose, starting with 1 capsule am & 2 pm. Go from there. I think I'll also put the Dynamine® to one side and use it PRN for now, at least until I can cross out the caffeine.

So I guess that's 4 reviews in one! But the HUSH™ is the best discovery I've made for a long while.
Let's get that order placed!
L Kristoffer

Jan 1, 2020
Neurodrive® 2.0
I fully agree with the other reviewers describing the effect as smooth, focused, long lasting energy which does not interfere with sleep.

A single serving is all I need on working days; this keeps overall caffeine consumption low while still giving a good mental boost that lasts all day long. On training days, I add an extra 100mg caffeine which has consistently proven to give me the best 7 am iron sessions beating harsher stims/PWOs hands down with no post-workout crash as an added bonus. I love how it also provides me with my daily serving of citicoline which, together with Bacopa and fish oil, has become a non-negotiable brain health supplement for me as a 44-year old.

After running through 3 bottles in as many months, I've thus now placed an order for 6 more. Hopefully the ever-looming Brexit will not conspire to put a premium on this and all the other excellent Mind Nutrition products for us inside the EU... any plans on resurrecting the EU store which now looks rather empty?
S Rebekka

Dec 21, 2019
Cognizin® Citicoline Powder
This gives me a clear head and helps me focus, especially when I need a little extra help when hormones are messing with my head. It took me a while to find a dose that works for me but after reading about how choline has a half life of more than a day I decreased my dose and the headaches I got from it initially disappeared. So for me a smaller dose is more effective but I guess it depends on the individual. Wouldn't want to be without it now.
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